Railhead Re-Visited : Act by 30th October


  • Russell Group have resurrected their zombie plans for an unwanted dirty-diesel rail hub running through the heart of Motherwell.
  • The plans remain opposed by Scottish Labour, SNP and Scottish Greens.
  • The planning application will be heard by the full council before Christmas. Act Now !
  • Over 600 previous objections still apply but we need more from across Motherwell.
  • Encourage your friends, family and neighbours from across Motherwell to lodge a formal objection by 30th October.
  • Object online or by email esplanning@northlan.gov.uk
  • Contact your councillors, MSPs and MP Support the Ravenscraig fighting fund


  • Proposals incompatible with Development Plan, Local Plan, National Planning Frameworks 3 & 4, and the Ravenscraig masterplan.
  • The character of a new area changed – forever.
  • 1,000 new build and affordable 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses for local families – denied.
  • £1.9m of annual council tax lost – enough to fund 72 new teachers; 80 home care workers; re-open Kilbowie and restore Christmas lights.
  • Pollution free new primary schools with safe routes to school – impossible.
  • 1,000 new homes with local spend in local stores – lost.
  • 800 dirty diesel HGV lorry movements every day (1 every 100 seconds) trundling past our homes in phase one alone.
  • Incompatible with Scotland’s recently adopted UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Displacing existing North Lanarkshire jobs and competing against existing rail freight sites.
  • More sustainable sites for rail freight that don’t block Ravenscraig regeneration – available. 
  • Noise, light and air pollution, not to mention commercial vehicles resting up on local streets.
  • Huge local environmental, biodiversity, ecological impact & loss of ancient woodland.
  • Years of construction from 8am – 7pm.
  • Some say it’s a deal done behind closed doors. 
  • It doesn’t have to be that way.  
  • A Scottish Government ‘National Development’ Regeneration Priority.
  • Plans opposed by SNP, Scottish Labour and Scottish Greens.
  • Lets access the £50m Vacant & Derelict Land Fund, not leave regeneration to a flawed freightliner solution that blights Ravenscraig and blocks out more sustainable investment solutions.
  • It’s time for the new community Lanarkshire was promised, building back better from the pandemic, not massive industrial buildings at any cost to communities.
  • Register your objections (individually – one per person) now by emailing esplanning@northlan.gov.uk or online athttps://eplanning.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=QP2RMGBAMWL00&activeTab=summary&fbclid=IwAR17vA7ZoPJWLsPw6SHhMkBjzeE-1383Z8HcZDBinjFkRD0Q4Q7riIsgeUs
  • Contact your councillors.
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