🚨 Our two year David and Goliath battle against a wholly inappropriately sited dirty diesel freight proposal will reach its next stage on 15th December when the application will go before North Lanarkshire Council councillors.

🚨 Whilst we understand there is a planning officer recommendation for refusal, we haven’t had that confirmed as yet.

🚨 We understand everyone who objected will receive an update this week and the Action Group will be invited to speak at committee against the proposal.

🚨 We need your help. Contact councillors from across North Lanarkshire (they all get a vote on this), your MSPs and MP – we need councillors to vote against the proposal (councillors can’t speak out publicly before voting) and MSPs and our MP to be much more vocal.

🚨 Donate £10 to our fighting fund (also paying for kids Christmas selection boxes) https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/elaine-morris-1…

🚨 Huge thanks to the Scottish Labour Party’s Monica Lennon MSP for her ongoing support in this week’s Wishaw Press and we also acknowledge support strong support and objections from Gillian Mackay – Scottish Greens and objections from Clare Adamson MSP for Motherwell and Wishaw and Marion Fellows MP

🚨We’ve given local media a statement this week:

Ryan O’Donnell, Chair of the Ravenscraig Community Action Group, said:

“The strong and clear recommendation to refuse is a hugely significant milestone. For two years local communities, Scottish Labour, SNP and Scottish Green politicians have fought a David and Goliath battle on a wholly inappropriately sited dirty diesel freight proposal.

“The plans would see a monolithic industrial complex and an 800 HGV movements a day super-highway in phase one alone which would rip through the heart of Motherwell and surrounding areas, depriving us of much needed new and affordable housing and scarring the Lanarkshire landscape for generations.

“The freight hub proposals are coming off the rails and it’s time now for Russell Group to give up the ghost on plans which are universally opposed by communities, councillors, and MSPs.”


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