Rail hub rejected

🔵 The Russell Group Rail Hub was rejected today by North Lanarkshire Council 58 votes for refusal and 7 for approval.

🔵 Ravenscraig Community Action Group led the fight and spoke at committee today on behalf of our community and the wider areas. A huge thanks to everyone who made their voices heard.

🔵 We urged Russell Group not to appeal to Scottish Government to overturn this landmark decision.

🔵 Donate to our fighting fund – https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/elaine-morris-1?fbclid=IwAR3Q8bAZU7OK-v_J0RnSxqhikXYgBYnwbxrxdDwKtWUrxsfd34FPOrcTKg0

🔵 Ryan O’Donnell, Chair of the Ravenscraig Community Action Group, said:

“Two Christmases ago, Russell Group though this was a deal done behind closed doors. North Lanarkshire communities, businesses, councillors, MPs and Scottish Labour, Conservative, SNP and Scottish Green MSPs said that isn’t so.

“What Russell Group asked was that this council cast aside two decades of planned progress and investment – but progressive place making happens by choice, not chance. Their flawed vision, as the council recognised threatens that co-ordinated progress, locking out next steps investment, depriving North Lanarkshire of new and social housing; damaging our communities and setting a nationally dangerous precedent.

“This Christmas, two years on, we grateful to members from all parties who sent a strong and clear message to Russell Group and Ravenscraig Ltd that North Lanarkshire deserves better.

“We urge the applicant to reflect and recognise that rail hubs have an important role to play in Scotland’s future, but require sustainable sites in suitable locations. If they don’t, we as local communities and businesses, with our council, councillors, MSPs and MPs, we stand ready to continue our fight.”

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